It’s been said that the final thought Jesus wanted to leave with us in Matt 28:18-20 has been called “the great commission” – and, it truly is a great commission. It’s one that reveals the intent and heartbeat of God which lets this world know that there is a divine option; that they do not have to live a life of defeat and face an eternity apart from Him.
The goodness of God is a message worth proclaiming more so today than ever. It is a declaration heralding good news and pardon to those in prison. To anyone held captive by lack, poverty, sickness, or oppression, the best and most exciting news they can hear are the words: “you are free”!
Have you ever heard of bad news setting anyone free from anything? In the Gospels there is something about this good news that caused the paralytic and his friends to tear the roof off to get to Jesus. Good news of healing prompted the woman with the issue of blood to press through the crowd in order to be set free. Good news motivated the blind man to receive his sight when he heard that Jesus was passing by. Good news proclaimed in a spirit of love will open a person’s heart to the gospel so that they might receive all that God has for them.
When it’s all said and done it’s really all about love. Love has the power to set people free when nothing else will. May our lives be all about demonstrating this God-kind of love that reaches out to others, makes the first move, propels us to action, and ultimately brings freedom to a world desperately searching for it.